Meet the Founder

Hi! I’m Lorrae, the founder of We Shop Asia.

I believe that every woman deserves to have an awesome, loving relationship with her partner(s), her sex life, and herself – and it’s my mission to make sure that happens. My goal is to empower women to create the life and love they crave – with relationship, mindset, and wellness tools to live adventurous, free, and happy AF.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in sexuality. Since college, it’s been my passion. In kindergarten, I got in trouble for kissing boys on the playground. As soon as I learned how to use a computer, I was up late learning about sex from porn (not the best sex-ed tool, but I worked with what I had).

Empower Your Sex Life

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Work with Me

I have written for Thrillist, Maxim, Playboy, and Kinky, and have been featured in Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Bustle, The Guardian, Elite Daily, Your Tango, and many more. I have also been a guest on podcasts, and consulted sex-positive brands around marketing and social media. 

I’m available for:
writing, collaborations, event coverage, appearances, speaking, and more.
I’d love to hear from you: [email protected]